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Nibble89 v1.1


Ranked as 899 on our all-time top downloads list with 18126 downloads.
Ranked as 2688 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename nibble89.zip (Download)
Title Nibble89 v1.1
Description New version of Nibble89
Author Alban Gervaise (GefunS@I-France.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 12,972 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 15 23:40:02 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Matt Peresie
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 8/10 It's Nibbles!
Controls: 7/10 Bad 2 player control.
Implementation: 7/10 Sprites are too small.
Overall: 7/10 Overall this game is still good.

This is another popular clone of the game Nibbles. In case you don't know Nibbles is the game where you are a snake and you try to get blocks and the more blocks you get the bigger you grow. Then after you get a certain number of blocks you go to another level.

I have played many different versions of Nibbles but one glaring thing strikes me when I play this game: The size of the sprites. They are really small. Almost so small they seem out of place. The snake is 2 pixels wide which on the 89 is rather small. I am not sure why the author made the snake so small. My only tought is that it is because you can play Human versus Human on this version of Nibbles. I have always enjoyed two player Nibbles games but they should not be made for your calculator. The calculator keyborad is not setup properly for 2 people to be playing a game at the same time. On the plus side this game does have some nice options. you can choose your playing mode. As in how fast the snake is moving. You can also choose your starting level and the amount of lives you have.

Aside from the negative aspects this game has it is not a bad game. It is still rather playable. I have this on my calculator and it will probably remain. But just so you know I am a huge fan of Nibbles and at times I have had 2 versions of Nibbles on my calculator.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
nibble.asm   28965
nibble89.pic   4299
nibble89.lvl   1640
nibble.89z   6937
nibble89_fr.txt   1485
nibble89_eg.txt   1610

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