Tunnel v0.1
Ranked as 3738 on our all-time top downloads list with 8126 downloads. Ranked as 20858 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
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Attention span: 4/10 Look elsewhere. Controls: 7/10 Too sensitive. Implementation: 5/10 Not original. Overall: 5/10 Look elsewhere.
Tunnel is a game that most closely resembles Z-Kart 3D or Mega Racers. The point of the game is to move a vehicle along and endless track without touching the walls for as long as possible. As fun as that sounds, it gets old rather quickly. The graphics are nothing to die for. The controls, albeit simple and natural, seem a bit on the touchy side. Maybe this is for challenge, but it makes crashing into a walls like the point of the game. But should the player develop enough skills, they maybe be able to achieve a rather high score. But that is too bad, because the game does not record your score, a high score, or even any score at all. So much for spending your time in this game. So you say that you don't play to show of your skills, but to enjoy the gameplay. Well, this may not be the game for you. As far as gameplay goes, it is extremely receptive. There is not choice of maps, and that map that you are stuck racing repeats itself so much that you will probably make yourself crash in order to stop the boring gameplay. One thing that is good about this game is that it is fast. But in my opinion, it is too fast especially when the controls where so sensitive.
In short, Tunnel is a racer that is not needed by most gamers. If you want a simple game that is almost the same, look toward Z-Kart 3D. If you want more courses, better graphics, and more options, look towards Mega Racers for the 85. But for the love of God and all that is Holy, please do not look at this game. Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere. Although this game is small, there are better games that you can have in your calc. I recommend Mega Racers, it may take up a nice chunk of ram (if you were using an 85, but you are using an 86, and unless you have every level for Mario 86, you probably have room for it), but it probably wont matter. This game will not stay long in your calc if you do get it. The controls are too touchy for my taste.This game is not original by any means. And overall, I would say to look elsewhere. |
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Archive Contents
TUNNEL.ASM | 6085 |
TUNNEL.86P | 859 |
tunnel.txt | 260 |