Wak-A-Goomba v2.1
Ranked as 3398 on our all-time top downloads list with 8477 downloads. Ranked as 27413 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on
Attention span: 4/10 Youll delete this game in a whim. Controls: 8/10 Using the number keys is annoying, even though there isnt much that can be done about them. Implementation: 8/10 For a Wak-A-Mole clone, it keeps faithful to the original Overall: 5/10 Not much for gameplay.
Wak-A-Goomba, written by Kurt Tucker, is a Wak-A-Mole style game. There is a 3 by 3 grid in which a goomba will appear. Your objective is to press the corresponding number key in order to squish the goomba. You have to squish as many goombas in 60 seconds as possible.
This is a game of concentration. You have to have very quick hand-eye coordination in order to hit the goombas before they move. The sooner you hit them, the more points you receive. The graphics are respectablethey serve their purpose. There are two different goomba sprites, unsquished and squished, and no other graphics more advanced than lines and inverted text.
Although this game uses many nice features (high score, pause, etc), all appear to be borrowed from other games (pause screen taken from ztetris, goomba sprite taken from super mario 3, high score feature taken from plane jump). Another problem was that the 60 seconds in the game ran down in 47 secondson new batteries! It isnt feasible to expect perfect timing on all battery strengths, but it should at least come close. In terms of replay value, this game comes up short as well. After you get a decent score and play the game maybe five or six times, youll get tired of it. There just isnt enough to this game for it to keep a spot on peoples calculators.
Given that this is currently the only Wak-A-Mole genre game out right now, if thats your type of game, then you should download this. But if it isnt, then dont waste your memory. |
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Archive Contents
wakagmba.86p | 1731 |
wakagmba.asm | 15317 |
wakagmba.txt | 2836 |