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Little Dude 2 Turbo v1


Ranked as 10503 on our all-time top downloads list with 4615 downloads.
Ranked as 13673 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename ld2turbo.zip (Download)
Title Little Dude 2 Turbo v1
Author Chris Edwards (cxe162@psu.edu)
Category TI-82 Assembly Games (CrASH)
File Size 16,078 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 5 00:25:47 1998
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Matt Adler
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 10/10 Very elaborate levels that get you thinking!
Controls: 10/10 Easy as ever!
Implementation: 9/10 A bit too large.
Overall: 9/10 Fantastic game with only a size problem.

This game is light years ahead of Little Dude 1. It's graphics are much better and it is a much more elaborate game. I chose this version to review because the speed on the original LD2 was terrible. It was WAY too slow! The gameplay is pretty much the same, except you can strafe in this version. There are also more weapons to use, and you have to collect the ammo for most of them.

One problem that I see with this game is it's large size (it takes up all of the TI-82's memory). Otherwise this is a perfect game, and would recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind it being the only game on their calculator.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ld2.txt   5481
Ld2.82p   22243

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