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Pyramid Solitaire 89


Ranked as 36921 on our all-time top downloads list with 924 downloads.
Ranked as 4273 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename pyramid89.zip (Download)
Title Pyramid Solitaire 89
Description Need a way to pass some time without straining your brain too much... then give Pyramid Solitaire a try. In Pyramid Solitaire you need to match one or two cards whose combined value equals 13 in order to remove them from the pyramid of cards. The game is over when you remove all cards from the pyramid or when you expend your draw pile rotation attempts.
Author David Randall (drandall99@charter.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Board)
File Size 54,917 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 23 15:43:32 2017
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pyramid 89/gfx/card_gfx.h   42891
Pyramid 89/gfx/pyramid_gfx.h   4420
Pyramid 89/pyramid.89z   15949
Pyramid 89/pyramid.c   19797
Pyramid 89/pyramid.h   1767
Pyramid 89/pyramid.tpr   1724
Pyramid 89/readme.txt   1370
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0001.gif   1930
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0002.gif   1530
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0003.gif   4328
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0004.gif   4335
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0005.gif   3852
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0006.gif   3874
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0007.gif   3856
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0008.gif   2465
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0009.gif   2262
Pyramid 89/screenshots/PYRAMID0010.gif   1636
Pyramid 89/src/BasicTypes.h   534
Pyramid 89/src/BasicUtils.c   250
Pyramid 89/src/BasicUtils.h   214
Pyramid 89/src/FontUtils.c   5387
Pyramid 89/src/FontUtils.h   925
Pyramid 89/src/GrayUtils.c   2395
Pyramid 89/src/GrayUtils.h   1881
Pyramid 89/src/KeyboardUtils.c   10128
Pyramid 89/src/KeyboardUtils.h   1359
Pyramid 89/src/TimeUtils.c   1348
Pyramid 89/src/TimeUtils.h   332

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