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QuikQuiz v1.0


Ranked as 38360 on our all-time top downloads list with 492 downloads.
Ranked as 6316 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename quikquiz.zip (Download)
Title QuikQuiz v1.0
Description A simple program designed for quick answering of learning checks with immediate feedback on which questions were correct and which were not.
Author Kaden Cox (kcandrew@me.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Educational Programs
File Size 4,610 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 15 01:10:16 2016
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Caleb Hill
Reviewed on 2016-03-15
So, I just saw this program uploaded, and thought it wold be pretty useful if you are in a teaching environment.

There is one bug that I noticed: When displaying your final score at the end (prgmθQQCHECK, specifically), if the number of questions is over 16, then you get a domain error when the Output( command tries to display another answer beyond the bounds of the screen.

But other than that, the program looks very nice, and was great speed and graphics. I imagine that if you find a way to use this, then it will do the job very well. As far as I have seen, this program is original. I think that the current features are very useful, although something like a scratchpad or notepad could be interesting (just a seperate program like CALC with an Input "",Str1 or something) and useful to record thoughts and ideas before answering. I think the code is well written, with only a few small possible optimizations I spotted here and there.

Rate 8/8 ✓ Would recommend to a friend. ✓ Would test again. 5 stars. 5 thumbs up 👍. 5 children eating donkeys 👶.

Great Job on this!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
QuikQuiz/_theta_QQCALC.8xp   164
QuikQuiz/_theta_QQCHECK.8xp   299
QuikQuiz/_theta_QQSEED.8xp   224
QuikQuiz/_theta_QQSET.8xp   293
QuikQuiz/_theta_QQSTART.8xp   1137
QuikQuiz/Pic0.8xi   844
QuikQuiz/QQTEACH.8xp   471
QuikQuiz/QUIKQUIZ.8xp   467
QuikQuiz/ReadMe.txt   3876

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