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nLaunchy 2.3 arbitrary OS launcher


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Ranked as 3194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename nlaunchy.zip (Download)
Title nLaunchy 2.3 arbitrary OS launcher
Description nLaunchy is an independent continuation of nLaunch + nLaunch CX, made by anonymous authors. Like its predecessors, nLaunchy (currently at version 2.3) is a set of FLOSS programs and crafted OS updates suitable for Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad calculators running boot2 1.4.1571 ("1.4"), and Nspire CX calculators running boot2 ("3.1"), but no other versions. nLaunchy enables users to install and launch arbitrary OS updates located into the user-accessible part of the filesystem - especially Linux. nLaunchy also enables one to switch between OS sets (e.g. TI's OS and Linux, OS 3.1 + Ndless & OS 3.2, OS 3.1 + Ndless & OS 3.3, OS 3.1 + Ndless & OS 3.6, etc.) without the need for a computer (unlike nLaunch and nLaunch CX). Other contributors include Xavier "critor" Andréani.
Authors Anonymous (nLaunch team, nLaun ()
Daniel "tangrs" Tang (dt.tangr@gmail.com)
Excale (excale@live.fr)
Lionel Debroux (lionel_debroux@yahoo.fr)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 64,128 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 27 03:55:14 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CLASSIC/nlaunch.tnc   4242
CLASSIC/nlaunch.tno   4242
CLASSIC/nlaunch.tns   4242
COPYING   17990
CX/nlaunch.tcc   4554
CX/nlaunch.tco   4554
CX/nlaunch.tns   4526
extra/BuildOS/readme_buildos.txt   1965
extra/Build_LinuxOS/atag.h   2089
extra/Build_LinuxOS/ldscript   1231
extra/Build_LinuxOS/main.c   4242
extra/Build_LinuxOS/Makefile   953
extra/Build_LinuxOS/readme.txt   542
extra/Build_LinuxOS/startup.S   1263
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/ldscript   294
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/linux.ll2.tns   98
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/Makefile   637
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/nll_classic.tns   5319
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/nll_cx.tns   5372
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/os.c   2168
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/os.h   3390
extra/Linux_loader_for_boot2/readme_linuxloader.txt   1609
extra/Ndless_31_loader/Makefile   540
extra/Ndless_31_loader/ndlessloader.c   1898
extra/Ndless_31_loader/readme_ndlessloader.txt   289
extra/template/ldscript   193
extra/template/Makefile   444
extra/template/readme.txt   297
extra/template/startup.S   265
readme.txt   8560
src/boot2.h   2651
src/buildimg.c   5174
src/buildos.bat   2073
src/buildos.sh   1941
src/buildtnco.c   7481
src/firstloader.c   1676
src/header.raw   64
src/ldscript   294
src/Makefile   2316
src/ndless.c   4115
src/nlaunch.c   6599
src/nlaunch.h   1821
src/patch.c   11251
src/patch_common.c   8972
src/patch_other.c   8005
src/preloader.c   2442

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