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Ranked as 37800 on our all-time top downloads list with 708 downloads.

Filename nessays.zip (Download)
Title NES Says (CIII/xLIB)
Description (Celtic III/xLIB game | Celtic III included.) NES Says is a spin-off of the popular Simon Says game. (Originally designed to be SNES Says, but there wasn't enough room in my GUI for that.) Works exactly the same way, just has prettier graphics. (Although, I was planning on using real(8)'s ability to detect diagonals but not sure of how well that'd work out. If anyone's interested I can throw that in.) I made this in Pre-cal class while I should've been taking a test. Didn't take much time. Did about 20 more minutes of clean-up, optimizations, and such when I got home. Anyway, here ya go. Easy, simple game to pass some time. Small, only requires a picture, a few of your variables, and L1 and L2. Limit of 999 built-in (doubt you'll ever get there anyway) and only other limitation is whether or not your calc can handle a list with up to 999 elements. Anyway, only 678 RAM used on the program and the list grows as you use it. (L2 stays as a 2 elements list though) Pic2 can be archived. Also, H is the highscore variable. Don't mess with it if you care about the score. Or play with it to your heart's content. Just letting you know. (for this, you may have to record you playing for anyone to believe your score) Also, the speed is only tested on TI-84+SE so I'm not sure how slow it is on earlier versions, although I'm almost positive it'll work fine.
Author {AP} (tehnyaar@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Memory)
File Size 15,290 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 10 02:03:17 2009
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pic2.8xi   832
NESSAYS.8xp   738
CELTIC3.8xk   36215

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