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Triple Triad 68K


Ranked as 10963 on our all-time top downloads list with 4491 downloads.
Ranked as 2416 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads.

Filename tripletriad68k.zip (Download)
Title Triple Triad 68K
Description ENGLISH : This game wants to be an adaptation of the famous game 'Triple Triad' which is the great card game of the PSX game Final Fantasy VIII. Your goal is to collect all the 110 cards by fighting against the other players. You will earn some money after a victory, in order to buy other cards or special items... Some cards are much hard to have than other, you can buy them (but it is expensive) but there is a special thing to do in the game and you would get these cards without buy them!! You can level up after severals victories. After that, you will be able to fight against other players. FRANCAIS : Ce jeu se veut etre l'adaptation du fameux jeu 'Triple Triad' qui est le super jeu de cartes present dans le jeu PSX Final Fantasy VIII. Votre but est de collecter les 110 cartes, en combattant contre les autres joueurs. Vous gagnerez de l'argent apres une victoire afin d'acheter des nouvelles cartes ou de objets speciaux... Certaines cartes sont plus durs a obtenir que d'autres, vous pouvez les acheter (mais c'est cher) mais il a une chose speciale a faire dans le jeu et vous obtiendrez ces cartes sans les acheter !! Vous pouvez augmenter de niveau apres plusieurs victoires. apres ca, vous pourrait combattre d'autres joueurs.
Authors David Coz (coz.hubert@infonie.fr)
Samuel COZ (coz.samuel@hotmail.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Board)
File Size 1,133,715 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Dec 21 04:24:33 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Triple Triad 68K/Readme.txt   12984
Triple Triad 68K/TI89/TriTriad.89y   34501
Triple Triad 68K/TI89/TriTriad.89z   1095
Triple Triad 68K/TI89/cardat.89y   28520
Triple Triad 68K/TI89/savefile.89y   1328
Triple Triad 68K/HELICO0002.gif   300335
Triple Triad 68K/screen1.bmp   64054
Triple Triad 68K/screen.bmp   64054
Triple Triad 68K/HELICO0001.gif   528940
Triple Triad 68K/TripleTriad.gif   211016
Triple Triad 68K/screen.gif   2057
Triple Triad 68K/92+/TriTriad.9xz   1095
Triple Triad 68K/92+/TriTriad.9xy   34197
Triple Triad 68K/92+/savefile.9xy   1328
Triple Triad 68K/92+/cardat.9xy   28520
Triple Triad 68K/V200/TriTriad.v2y   34197
Triple Triad 68K/V200/TriTriad.v2z   1095
Triple Triad 68K/V200/savefile.9xy   1328
Triple Triad 68K/V200/cardat.9xy   28520

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