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Dan's Game


Ranked as 37821 on our all-time top downloads list with 707 downloads.
Ranked as 13835 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename dan.zip (Download)
Title Dan's Game
Description put on calculator and go to menu , group, ungroup, dan ... then click program and run program daniel
Author Daniel Betty (drako928@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Role-playing/Text adventure)
File Size 3,860 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 18 23:47:50 2009
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Miles Rotaru
Reviewed on 2009-02-19
To be honest, this game isn't really fun. But that's perfectly forgivable because this is Dan's first upload, and everyone has to start somewhere. First some positive things:

- Program is more or less bug free

- Pretty cool for a first program

(way better than my first release, lol)

- Doesn't take up too much RAM

There are some things though that could use improvement, if the user ever makes more programs.

- Program description should be just that, a description. This is a community of TI calculator users, most of us know how to install a program. (hopefully)

- At least a little bit of documentation would be nice. whether it's in a readme, or build right into the program, just a few sentences explaining what to do would have made the game less confusing.

- Screenshots also would be good. They aren't always necessary, but if there isn't any written material, at least give us /something/ to go on.

Things to brush up on: Proper usage of the Output() command as a way to align text nicer. And having to press enter a million times during battle was kind of annoying. The info could be displayed in a little window that's always visisble, or dismissed with automatic delays.

Keep up the good work.


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