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Calculate the primes from 2 to 11,967


Ranked as 33628 on our all-time top downloads list with 1421 downloads.
Ranked as 22067 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename primeprogram.zip (Download)
Title Calculate the primes from 2 to 11,967
Description This program will use the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Author jbz darkid (jbzdarkid@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Arithmetic)
File Size 4,495 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Dec 19 20:17:54 2008
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Joe Young
Reviewed on 2008-12-20
This is the first prime-number program I've seen to ever have a graphical application of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. It's pretty interesting, but this program has more of a feeling of experimentation than anything else.

This program can be VERY slow when drawing the Sieve, fortunately, the Sieve is provided for you if you do not wish the calculator to draw it. Beyond that there is a program that displays every prime number from 2 to the max limit of numbers, which I assume was around 5985 or so. The only useful program was the third, which told you if a number you provided was prime or not by returning a one or zero.

The lack of decent documentation may be a hamper to this programmer, as it was very badly written and I had a hard time understanding how the program was used. It was not particularly user-friendly. I would like to see it modified a bit with better documentation and more optimized programming. I think that had ticalc been more selective, it might have not made it.

If you're some sort of mathematician or some geeky math teach then this program might be worth a fraction of your interest. But I honestly wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Like most programmers, this guy has potential (if not particularly ambitious), he just has yet to use it. It's hard to quantify this program without a set standard, so I won't to avoid skewing anyone's opinion.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Prime program/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/Prime program/._.DS_Store   82
Prime program/Pic7 TI-83 Plus.8xi   832
__MACOSX/Prime program/._Pic7 TI-83 Plus.8xi   82
Prime program/Readme.txt   403
__MACOSX/Prime program/._Readme.txt   171
Prime program/SIV2 TI-83 Plus.8xp   313
__MACOSX/Prime program/._SIV2 TI-83 Plus.8xp   82
Prime program/SIV3 TI-83 Plus.8xp   136
__MACOSX/Prime program/._SIV3 TI-83 Plus.8xp   82
Prime program/SIV4 TI-83 Plus.8xp   127
__MACOSX/Prime program/._SIV4 TI-83 Plus.8xp   82

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