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Arc Solver


Ranked as 14023 on our all-time top downloads list with 3788 downloads.
Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename arcsolve.zip (Download)
Title Arc Solver
Description Arc Solver requires two pieces of information, and then gives the missing information for an arc. Give the chord and the height, and it will give you the radius. Or do some other combination. This program requires a companion program ZINPUTST for user input. It is included in the Zip file and must be loaded on your calculator. This version times out after 1 minute to save your batteries.
Author Curt Liechty (curtis.liechty@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Geometry)
File Size 7,495 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 14 20:19:59 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Xeda Elnara
Reviewed on 2010-01-14
As a BASIC and Assembly programmer, I was quite impressed by the quality of this program. Written entirely in BASIC, this program provides an easy user interface that is both speedy and accurate. The code is rather large, but it is more than made up for with its ease of use and its visual aid.

This is one of the best BASIC arc solver I have seen and I would give it 8 out of 10 (the code can be optimized further).


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ARCSOLVE.8xp   2549
ZINPUTST.8xp   331
ZINPUTST.doc   23552

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