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Exponential Series of Fourier - Step by step


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Filename exponentialfourie.zip (Download)
Title Exponential Series of Fourier - Step by step
Description [English]:The program found the exponential series of fourier of the function that the user have entered, allowing to keep the partial results in home. They will be been able to work values symbolics and numerics, and the program will propose possible values of "n" that generate indetermination in Cn.If the user wished to find the series trigonometrical, the program showed An, Bn, Ao/2 and the result of the trigonometrical series.(English version included)[Spanish]:El programa hallara la serie exponencial de fourier de la funcion que el usuario haya ingresado, permitiendo guardar los resultados parciales en home. Se podran trabajar valores tanto simbolicos como numericos.El programa propondra posibles valores de "n" que generen indeterminacion en Cn, pero de todas formas el usuario podra modificar y supervisar estos valores de "n".Si el usuario deseara hallar la serie trigonometrica, el programa mostrara An, Bn, Ao/2 y el resultado de la serie trigonometrica (Version en EspaƱol incluida, con su manual).Works with ti-89/t,v200,ti-92/p.
Author Cosme Fulanito (cosmefulanito04@yahoo.com.ar)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Sequence, Series)
File Size 151,958 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Oct 27 02:37:49 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
English/Imprimir Tool.txt   1034
English/Readme.txt   2165
English/Ti-89/imprimir.89z   1078
English/Ti-89/sfexp.89p   6700
English/Ti-92/imprimir.9xz   1078
English/Ti-92/sfexp.92p   6699
English/V200/imprimir.v2z   1078
English/V200/sfexp.v2p   6699
Spanish/Herramienta Imprimir.txt   1055
Spanish/Leeme.txt   3514
Spanish/SEF.pdf   192353
Spanish/Ti-89/imprimir.89z   1078
Spanish/Ti-89/sfexp.89p   6705
Spanish/Ti-92/imprimir.9xz   1078
Spanish/Ti-92/sfexp.92p   6705
Spanish/V200/imprimir.v2z   1078
Spanish/V200/sfexp.v2p   6705

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