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TI-BASIC Compiler 1.4.1


Ranked as 2152 on our all-time top downloads list with 10782 downloads.
Ranked as 618 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.72.

Filename tibasic.zip (Download)
Title TI-BASIC Compiler 1.4.1
Description The TI-Basic compiler permits you to write all your TI-BASIC code on a computer, allowing you to use copy & paste and a real keyboard. Please remember to check back at http://sf.net/projects/tibasic for updates or for assistance.
Author Matthew Iselin (pcmattman@gmail.com)
Category Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size 26,479 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 12 06:20:40 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


Review by  Stephen Jenkins
Reviewed on 2011-02-23
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Does EXACTLY what it says it will do. Saves TONS of time by allowing computer typing instead of calculator typing. Make sure to use the command prompt and the .tib name and you're set to program on your PC from notepad and this tiny little application. THANKS A THOUSAND TIMES!!!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
tibasic-1.4.1/LICENSE   742
tibasic-1.4.1/README   1755
tibasic-1.4.1/tibasic.exe   51712

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