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Nibls.....With Sound!


Ranked as 20424 on our all-time top downloads list with 2882 downloads.
Ranked as 13307 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename niblsws.zip (Download)
Title Nibls.....With Sound!
Description This is the final release of Nibls With Sound, my first ASM program. Adding sound to games adds a whole new aspect to calculator games and greatly increases quality. All previous bugs have been fixed and there are no known bugs.. This is a simple game of nibls with sound for those who know how to play music on their calculator. The game also includes high score with initials. It was programmed entirely on calc using OTBP's assembler. There are currently 3 levels included, though you can go for as long as you possible. Download if you want a game, or even if you just want some sound. Nibls With Sound can be run with or without a shell, and at only 1231 bytes, this program hardly takes up any memory. NOTE: The sound does not sound the same on emulators (or, at least on WabbitEmu) as on calculators!! Also, the source code is written as a TI-BASIC program, so it does not include comments for memory purposes. Enjoy!
Author Bryce Taylor (soccerboy1992@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 14,829 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 1 23:34:56 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  drew notteling
Reviewed on 2007-12-21
Sorry, the sound doesn't make up for the fact that this game is devoid of everything else. The graphics, simply put, are awful, and the target is one pixel. Augh. *kills self* The only thing this is really good for is the code.

Controls: 8/10

Standard Nibbles

Graphics: 1/10

Fun: 1/10


Other: 10/10

Sound is nice

Overall: 5/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
NIBLSWS.8xp   1291
NIBLS.8xp   5677
NIBLSWSR.txt   1509
NiblsScreen1.gif   13665

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