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Linux Top Hat


Ranked as 24744 on our all-time top downloads list with 2428 downloads.
Ranked as 25737 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename linux.zip (Download)
Title Linux Top Hat
Description Linux top hat, the worlds first open source Linux for the Ti-83+, also customizable so, you choose what programs go in! And since it's Open source, you can make your own version, and send it to Me, and if enough people help, this could be the ultimate program!, also contains user name and password encryption, a clock for 84+ users, supports up to 3 users, and contains TEXT MODE, for those of you low on ram! Plus the text editor (optional) and allows you to run ion games with the plasma plug in!
Author shockwavez entertanement _ (4ce.labs@mail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Programs (BasicBuilder)
File Size 125,178 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 16 00:07:06 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  drew notteling
Reviewed on 2007-12-23
Wow. This is very, very nice. I'm running Ubuntu ATM, and this is a good version of Linux, with all applicable circumstances. The programs, "XTRAS" need work, however.

Originality: 10/10

Graphics: 7/10

Sometimes hard to read

Functionality: 8/10

XTRAS need work

Overall: 8.5/10



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Archive Contents
Name Size
READ FIRST!!!.txt   339
xtras/IMPORTANT.txt   277
xtras/TimeX/pre-installed.txt   48
xtras/TimeX/TIMEX_01.BMP   73782
xtras/TimeX/TIMEX_02.BMP   73782
xtras/X-text/ENCRYPT.8xp   528
xtras/X-text/NOTEPAD.8xp   1665
xtras/X-text/readme.txt   359
Linux.8xk   28671
version.txt   1077
readme.rtf   1280608

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