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Ranked as 31696 on our all-time top downloads list with 1656 downloads.
Ranked as 3317 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename rattler.zip (Download)
Title Rattler
Description Just like the games Rattler Race or Snake, in which you move a snake around, trying to collect items while avoiding walls. There are three different modes in this game. The first one is when you go through the actual game at any difficulty you want, starting at level 1. There are a total of ten different levels. The second mode is a Practice mode. In this mode, you can practice any level in the game. The third mode I call the Level Editing mode. Yes, there is a level editor, and it’s awesome! You can edit and create your very own levels, and play them in the Practice mode of the game. And it’s nice because all of this in one program. There aren’t a bunch of different programs to download like there are in some games.
Author Nathan Schmaling (bschmaling@earthlink.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Snake)
File Size 8,730 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 27 23:46:29 2006
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
RATTLER.8xp   8286
readme.txt   179
SCREEN01.GIF   1917
SCREEN02.GIF   2046
SCREEN03.GIF   2418

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