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Ranked as 24118 on our all-time top downloads list with 2490 downloads.
Ranked as 3915 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename newtonjm.zip (Download)
Title Newton
Description It may seem like another Newton iteration program, but I've written this one to have a few special touches to it that make it worthwhile. First, the program displays the equation (Y1) upon loading. After asking for an X value to be the starting point, the calculator tests that value. If the derivative of Y1 at that value returns an answer of zero (thus making Newton's method [x - f(x)/f'(x)] divide by zero), the calculator will display "Pathological Error: d/dx = 0." If that X value does not immediately return a derivative of zero, after 50 unsuccessful iterations the calculator will assume that there is a pathological error, and will display the same error message as before. I added the pathological error aspects to this program because the typical Newton iteration program will continuously attempt iterations before the "divide by zero" error is displayed (if it ever is), wasting both time and batteries.
Author Postmaster Josh (postmasterjosh@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 370 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jul 17 11:14:59 2006
Documentation Included? No


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Name Size
NEWTON.8xp   285

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