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Sky - puzzle game


Ranked as 9508 on our all-time top downloads list with 4926 downloads.
Ranked as 5391 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.
Ranked as 64 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.69.

Filename sky.zip (Download)
Title Sky - puzzle game
Description Sky is a cute puzzle game. To complete a level you just have to fill in every white part of it with the use of the arrow keys. This new version enables save games. The source code is included this time. (-: Have fun!
Author Robert Kuhfß (post@robertkuhfss.de)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 44,218 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 4 03:47:04 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Adam West
Reviewed on 2006-02-08
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Adam West” is really cool, but it has a few flaws. After a while, it gets really addicting, but the 3 block mode is nearly impossible. The only problems I see are:

  1. No save; as soon as you turn off the calc, it resets to level 1 and you have to do all of the levels again.
  2. Needs more levels. Only ten per mode.
    1. The game is very well done graphics wise, and I hope there is another version released with a save. Very user friendly. Overall, 8/10.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
sky/sky.8xp   4569
sky/sky-readme.txt   1033
sky/sky.83p   4565
sky/sky-readme.txt~   997
sky/sky.gif   57763
sky/source/dispa.z80   391
sky/source/icon.z80   374
sky/source/graphic-routines.z80   1131
sky/source/main.z80   8467
sky/source/levels.z80   8028
sky/source/tiles.z80   1338
sky/source/graphic-routines.z80~   5827
sky/source/lib.z80   12672

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