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Windows XP Calculator Edition 2.0


Ranked as 26037 on our all-time top downloads list with 2285 downloads.
Ranked as 22720 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename windowsxp.zip (Download)
Title Windows XP Calculator Edition 2.0
Description This is the next update of Windows XP. It is meant only for the TI-83. For Newbies, this is a GUI of Windows XP. Its very graphical. I think I have all the bugs worked out, but if you find any send me an email at ryannazaretian@hotmail.com. Thanks for looking at my program or downloading it.
Author RyanN (ryannazaretian@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 64,152 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 26 22:29:59 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Windows XP/README.txt   3320
Windows XP/Thumbs.db   98816
Windows XP/Windows Programs/AWINXP83.83P   1130
Windows XP/Windows Programs/BOOT.83p   1924
Windows XP/Windows Programs/CURSOR.83P   1848
Windows XP/Windows Programs/CUSTOM.83p   448
Windows XP/Windows Programs/DOCUMENT.83p   1499
Windows XP/Windows Programs/EXPLORER.83P   1900
Windows XP/Windows Programs/OFF.83p   2123
Windows XP/Windows Programs/OFF2.83p   129
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Other Programs/LOGO.83P   284
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Other Programs/PIXELS.83P   252
Windows XP/Windows Programs/PRGM.83p   531
Windows XP/Windows Programs/QUIT.83p   296
Windows XP/Windows Programs/SETTINGS.83p   2331
Windows XP/Windows Programs/SETUP.83p   1547
Windows XP/Windows Programs/START.83p   769
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Thumbs.db   10240
Windows XP/Windows Programs/ZASMLOAD.83p   284
Windows XP/Windows Programs/ZBASLIB.83p   819
Windows XP/Windows Programs/ZBOUT.83P   471
Windows XP/Boot.bmp   24630
Windows XP/My Documents.bmp   24630
Windows XP/Start Menu.bmp   24630
Windows XP/Version 1.6.bmp   24630
Windows XP/Boot.GIF   1129
Windows XP/My Documents.GIF   1451
Windows XP/Start Menu.GIF   1282
Windows XP/Version 1.6.GIF   1360
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Other Programs/PREDOCS.83P   1241

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