Windfall XP Beta 0.91
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Windfall XP Beta 0.91
This is Windfall XP Beta Version 0.91. It resembles Windows XP. It has many features including a word processor (not yet included), control panel (not yet finished) and an easy to use system. This program is not intended for the TI-83+, TI-83+ Silver Edition, or the TI-84s. There is some assembly functions that do not work on these calculators. Windfall XP also has good graphics, icons, a start menu which features a program menu that works (read the documentation to add your own programs to Windfall), a document folder (currently working on), a help file (later will be replaced with an about file, settings (only controls the contrast at this time), and a turn off menu which allows you to exit the program, turn off the calculator, or hibernate Windfall. The battery meter works well. The shutdown process does not require you to press 2nd, then ON. Please email me if you have any questions or comments.
RyanN (
TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size
150,853 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Mar 29 04:14:33 2005
Documentation Included?
Review by
Link Master
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
I didn't really like Windfall XP. It takes up tons of memory, and uses many programs to operate. This doesn't have very many features. All it does is look like Windows. It takes forever to "boot up" and while it is booting up, it really isn't doing anything. I would like to see more features, no boot-up screen (or maybe take one second or so), and automatically display the menus and windows (as opposed to shading them in).
This program is not original. I would not recommend this program to anybody until Windfall XP improves. Windfall XP could require fewer programs to run, too. When I first ran it, I got errors all the time and I had to delete some source code. Personally, I don't like this program one bit. I also wish that the "Word" program that came with this package would work.
Useability: 1/10 GUI: 4/10 Overall: 1.5/10 |
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