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Bitwise Logic


Ranked as 24532 on our all-time top downloads list with 2447 downloads.
Ranked as 30080 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename bitwise.zip (Download)
Title Bitwise Logic
Description Bitwise and/or/xor functions. 83 compatible. Read documentation for more information.
Author dan padgett (dumbledore3@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Misc.)
File Size 1,085 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 16 00:39:03 2004
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Lark SS
Reviewed on 2009-07-11
Ah, this was exactly what I was looking for in terms of performing bitwise operations on the TI calc. I was honestly surprised to see a method for this done in BASIC! It would be great if the process was explained in the readme however.

Now if only there was an assembly equivalent of this to help reduce processing time. ;>


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Archive Contents
Name Size
XOR.8xp   132
AND.8xp   132
OR.8xp   132
readme.txt   605

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