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Gnu TI Go


Ranked as 20109 on our all-time top downloads list with 2918 downloads.
Ranked as 29505 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename gnutigo.zip (Download)
Title Gnu TI Go
Description This is a port of the computer game gnugo. Go is an ancient chinese board game with simple rules but very complex strategy. It could be considered the "chess of asia". This program is released under the GPL and all I have done is uploaded it to this site.
Authors gnugo team ()
Joseph Marino (porter) (jam4@njit.edu)
Nisarg Kothari (porter) (leegleechn@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Board)
File Size 52,877 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 3 00:08:17 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
COPYING   17982
GNUgo.89z   13259
Gnugo1.jpg   47970
Gnugo2.jpg   48454
gpl.txt   18009
README   381
src/count.c   2654
src/countlib.c   1687
src/eval.c   1730
src/exambord.c   2677
src/findcolr.c   2929
src/findnext.c   4493
src/findopen.c   3454
src/findpatn.c   4478
src/findsavr.c   2270
src/findwinr.c   2957
src/fioe.c   2626
src/genmove.c   3415
src/gnugo.h   3118
src/initmark.c   1450
src/main.c   6810
src/matchpat.c   4939
src/opening.c   2331
src/openregn.c   1879
src/patterns.h   7273
src/sethand.c   2268
src/showbord.c   3259
src/showinst.c   2381
src/suicide.c   2354

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