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Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator Operating System


Ranked as 18731 on our all-time top downloads list with 3078 downloads.
Ranked as 24002 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 626 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.60.

Filename generate_os.zip (Download)
Title Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator Operating System
Description The fun of Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator returns with this complete operating system, handwritten in x86 assembly. This is the epitome of must-download files.
Authors Michael Vincent (michaelv@ticalc.org)
Nick Disabato (nickd@ticalc.org)
Category DOS Utilities
File Size 17,780 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 10 15:23:59 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Jonathan Katz
Reviewed on 2004-08-11
Booting up to WindowsXP on my laptop used to be boring. I would sit in front of my screen, watch my laptop flash "WindowsXP...Now Loading," and wait until Windows was up and running. But now, that has all changed.

Using my USB Memory card (Though any bootable device: floppy drives, CD-ROM drives, etc. will work), I installed the "Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator OS" and rebooted my laptop. Instead of seeing "WindowsXP" pop-up as per usual, I saw something along the lines of "Please guess a number." Booting up my computer wasn't just a loading screen anymore, it was interactive!! Using all my skills at choosing a number between one and thirty, I frantically guessed what the number could be so I could continue on my journey into booting up Windows. In the end, I was rewarded with the greatest of gifts: a quick trip to my bootloader and Nick Disabato's password.

So for those of you who are brave and daring, you should download this OS and see the marvel it has put into booting up your computer. Booting is no longer a burden; it is an epic odyssey full of adventure.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   4981
elite.asm   2244
numbar_os.IMG   36864

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