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Ranked as 32230 on our all-time top downloads list with 1597 downloads.
Ranked as 19307 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename ticom2.zip (Download)
Title TI-Computer
Description TI-Computer is a PDA for the TI-83 Calculator. Has a memo pad, games, calculator, and a small word processor.
Author RyanN (ryannazaretian@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Personal Information Management)
File Size 5,660 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 14 07:13:46 2004
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Kerm Martian
Reviewed on 2004-07-14
The author came up with an interesting concept here, but it is not well executed. Since it is BASIC, this requires about 10 program modules that all but filled my calculator's memory, unacceptable considering the relative merit of the program. Although the start screen with memos, the date, and the menu is an interesting idea, the fact that the date cannot be automatically updated makes it fairly useless and a cumbersome barrier to reaching the rest of the program. The games were fairly well written graphically, but speed-wise they were very slow. I would prefer to just have the core of this program without the games and then get the games separately. However, this reveals the whole problem with this program. Since it is a conglomeration of several small and mediocre programs, failing to contain a single well-developed "killer app", it has little value to the average user. The program did have good features in place to prevent TI-OS errors from cropping up, and the interface was easy to navigate, but overall I was displeased with this program. If made in assembly and stripped of the extraneous games and features, this program might be made better.

*Ease of Use: 5/10
*Size: 1/10
*Features: 2/10
*Graphics: 5/10

*Overall: 3/10


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