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Picture IDE v1.0


Ranked as 29099 on our all-time top downloads list with 1963 downloads.
Ranked as 35503 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename picide.zip (Download)
Title Picture IDE v1.0
Description Simply put, the BEST picture editor that OWNS ALL! All the other picture editors on the web were "lacking features" and were also very buggy, which annoyed me, so I made this VERY comprehensive program. It includes safeguards (like error recovery), saving and loading to lists (not those 5 minute loading ones, this is literally instantaneous), line/rectangle/triangle/circle drawing options, Free RAM Checker, and MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE! -A MUST DOWNLOAD!- If you are a PICTURE DRAWER (you must be if you even look under TI-83+ Graphics Programs) or even a complete newbie, you will be missing out by not using this!
Author Andree Chea (kryptic_89@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Drawing)
File Size 36,127 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jan 8 09:12:43 2004
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
PicIDE/ASM Source/Callpic.z80   865
PicIDE/ASM Source/If you were wondering.txt   381
PicIDE/ASM Source/MemCheck.z80   641
PicIDE/ASM Source/STOREPIC.Z80   882
PicIDE/Duplication_PicDE Readme.txt   12177
PicIDE/Individual Files/CALLPIC.8xp   148
PicIDE/Individual Files/MEMCHECK.8xp   155
PicIDE/Individual Files/PICIDE.8xp   1957
PicIDE/Individual Files/STOREPIC.8xp   153
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaCURSOR.8xp   422
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaDESIGNS.8xp   1680
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaERASE.8xp   250
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaINVERT.8xp   245
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaMORE.8xp   2519
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaOPTIONS.8xp   477
PicIDE/Individual Files/thetaPEN.8xp   255
PicIDE/PicIDE Readme.htm   16837
PicIDE/PICIDE.8xg   7691
PicIDE/PicIDE1.gif   1152
PicIDE/PicIDE2.gif   1392
PicIDE/PicIDE3.gif   1121
PicIDE/PicIDE4.gif   548
PicIDE/PicIDE5.gif   935
PicIDE/PicIDE6.gif   1635
PicIDE/PicIDE7.gif   1554
PicIDE/PicIDE8.gif   1163
PicIDE/PicIDE9.gif   1327
READ THIS FIRST!.txt   361

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