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Star Wars Movie


Ranked as 15568 on our all-time top downloads list with 3526 downloads.
Ranked as 2776 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename starwarsmovie.zip (Download)
Title Star Wars Movie
Description Watch the first few minutes of Star Wars: A New Hope, with abridged script.
Author Ben M (madcypher8@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Animations, 'Screen Savers')
File Size 7,195 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 22 02:11:32 2003
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Alex Ruddick
Reviewed on 2004-10-22
This program is great! It shows the first five minutes or so of the first “Star Wars” movie, with great pictures of all the characters. For a movie this long, half your RAM (about 12k) is worth it. It isn't slow at all, except for maybe the moving ships. The only bad part about it is that it takes up all ten Pic variables, so you may want to make backups of any pictures you have first. Definitely worth it though.

Graphics: 10/10 (Awesome pics!)
Speed: 8/10 (Runs pretty quickly)
Size: 8/10 (Good for a movie so long!)
Overall:8.5/10 (Great!)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SWMOV1.8xg   12280
about starwars.txt   692

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