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Grayscale Programming Package v1.1


Ranked as 7923 on our all-time top downloads list with 5504 downloads.
Ranked as 14797 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename gpp11.zip (Download)
Title Grayscale Programming Package v1.1
Description With this package, grayscale games and programs aree made for the ti83 and the ti83+, compatible with the ION shell. The engine takes use of the interrupt feature of the calculators. The important part of this package is the grayscale include file. This includes all the routines you need, to make grayscale games on your calculator. Think of interrupt routines, sprite routines, key input routines, etc. I tried to make it as simple as possible to use, by making a handy template, but beginner ION programming skills are needed! With the use of a fully functional 'template' directory, you can directly start to code without setting up headers and includes, and assemble it into both a ti83 and a ti83+ version.
Author Diederik Pieter Kingma (dpkingma@students.cs.uu.nl)
Category TI-83 Assembly Graphics Programs (Ion)
File Size 685,750 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 18 19:23:32 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  scott delaney
Reviewed on 2006-04-02
Grayscale has never looked this good on a calculator. The "Grayscale Programming Package" is, without a doubt, the best grayscale routine package for the 83 and 83+ series calcs. It produces flickerless grayscale, and also allows the user to set the best interrupt frequency for their calc.

The downsides would include 10% slower speed and twice the size of monochrome, but in my opinion, it' worth it. Also, there's a compatibility problem with "CrunchyOS." For some reason, grayscale games either crash or don't run well in "CrunchyOS", so you either need "MirageOS", or "Ion".

Graphics: 10/10 all you really get is an include file, a readme, and some examples, but the graphics it produces are phenomenal.
Use: 9.5/10 it takes some time getting used to using some different commands, ('gsPutSprite' instead of ionputsprite, etc.) but there are detailed examples, and the readme is nice.
Overall: 9.5/10 these is the best grayscale routines, with only a few dowsides.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
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