GNU v1.1 (Guess My Number II)
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GNU v1.1 (Guess My Number II)
An improvment to the previous, 'GuessNum (Guess My Number)' that took me about 4hrs to finish over a course of 2 days, this one however, took a couple more hours than 4-say, 6 or so (!sure[programmers' lingo]), but this time I finish it in one day, today! Okay, okay, down to bussiness, Yes, this is YET another one of those many D*mn guess the number prgms. But I'm sure this one will set aside the previous to rest, this version(1.1.0)(ps - e-mail me of any bug reports or errors you might encounter[bug free as far as i know] and do be specific and detailed) has four[4]-Yes, Four[4] difficulty settings all presented to you in a nice, neat, nifty Difficulty Menu, allows you to enter upto 20 tries and tells you haw many you have made so far, whereas the original allowed infinite tries which made it redundant to tell how many you've made, advanced anti-negative # detection and 'kick-in-the-pants' system, and random farewell upon exit, and if there's anything else that I've missed you'll just have to find out for yourself. See screen shots if you got lost anywhere in that. (ps- i've enclosed gnu11a.8xp, which is the same progam axcept it is not locked and @ the title screen my alias is in lowercase letters. END_TRANSMITTION) 0140 ;5/29/03.
q*bert (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Chance/Guessing)
File Size
7,619 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu May 29 06:41:33 2003
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