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Ranked as 10555 on our all-time top downloads list with 4596 downloads.
Ranked as 6005 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename pw.zip (Download)
Title PW
Description This is another security program for your calculator. The special thing about this one is it has a (limited) take-out-battery-to-reset-ram-and-delete-security-proofidity. It turns off you calc between key inputs, so the oppressor has virtually no time to pull out the batteries. Yes, this method of reseting the ram works on most security programs, including MirageOS. So mine is better. Ha. Also comes in a fake Ion prgmA and prgm(theta)Ion. If you use another shell, and someone grabs your calc when you have it on they may try to run prgmA to get to your games, but it'll shut you calc off, so Ha! And if you use Ion then I have a prgmPW instead. Enjoy!
Author Daniel Thau (danthau@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 1,679 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 27 17:19:50 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


Review by  Nikita Kiselov
Reviewed on 2015-06-08
The idea behind this program is nice. The implementation is bad. Before starting using it, read this!

Although the source is locked (Ok, it is a security program), I looked into it. Why? Because it did not work on my TI 83 plus emulator (After several times being tested I somehow figured out it only works with one-key-pw´s)! It is written in basic, only a sub-program is in asm, that was my first impression. The code is not optimized at all, I got it working while cutting it´s size by half. Also, the password creating program could be more user friendly. Overwiew:

Idea: 9/10

This is really nice! I got it working for me, but it was hacky.

Implementation: 1/10

It did not even work :( It is also miscategorized.

Efficiency: 2/10

Could use some optimization!

Overall: 4/10

If someone could work on here, this could get one of the best security programs, because it shuts the calculator off.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ReadMe.txt   970
PWION.8XG   593
PW.8XG   593

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