[Usgard 1.5+] Elements v2.3
Ranked as 4864 on our all-time top downloads list with 7180 downloads. Ranked as 4143 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Review by
Alex Staherski
Reviewed on
Suitability: 9/10 Serves its purpose well Ease-Of-Use: 8/10 Has documentation, but doesn't need it Overall: 8/10 A handy prgoram
Elements is a very handy periodic table program. It has almost any feature you could want in a program of this type. You get the element name, the atomic number, atomic mass, and everything else that's on a traditional periodic table. The nice thing about having a program for it though is you can search for elements so you don't have to look through the table. With this program, you can search by atomic number, name, or symbol. In addition, just like a traditional table, it shows where are the elements are and you can even navigate around the table graphically.
This program is any chemistry student's dream. It is fairly large, but given the numerous features it has, it's well worth it if you're doing anything in chemistry. One thing that places this particular program above most of it's competitors is its shell feature. It displays the electron configuration for any of the elements. Also, for those of you who like "pretty" looking programs, this is probably the nicest looking periodic table program I've seen. |
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