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Ranked as 5007 on our all-time top downloads list with 7093 downloads.
Ranked as 1852 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 14 downloads.

Filename manage.8xp (Download)
Title Manage
Description The best set of programs in one program! These include Distance (between 2 points), Midpoint (between points), Radicle simplifier, Run, which calculates how many calories you burn by running a certiain speed for a certain amount of time and by how much you weigh, a rotate program which tells you what kind of rorations when coordinates are x,-y; 5x, 3y; etc., a HUGE unit converter, a slope finder, quadratic formula, a missing endpoint (if you have one point and the midpoint, it will find the other endpoing, a program for figuring out varations, and a balance account to keep track of how much money you have and spend! THIS IS AN AWSOME PROGRAM! YOU MUST DOWNLOAD IT
Author Justin Bass (JBass36@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 9,824 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Feb 10 16:07:17 2002
Documentation Included? No



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