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Mathh version 5.00


Ranked as 708 on our all-time top downloads list with 21293 downloads.
Ranked as 13835 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename mathh.zip (Download)
Title Mathh version 5.00
Description This is a math program that provides various formulas for different problems, including variations, the quadratic formula (even shows it set up), pythagorean theorem solver (yes, another one of those), Line formulas (slope, midpoint, distance), log formulas, and series/sequences formulas (arithmetic and geometric). This program is binary-compatible between all 68k calcs (89, 92+, and V200). So, you can send the 89 version to a 92+, for example, and it will still behave correctly.
Author Joel Thompson (joelt49@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Math Programs
File Size 46,317 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 3 02:21:22 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Donald Rull
Reviewed on 2012-08-09
This program completely locked up my TI-89 Titanium and required a hard reset as reported in the previous review - BE WARNED - I was stubborn and would not heed the warning!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bin89/mathh.89z   1793
bin89/mathh.89y   7181
bin92+ and V200/mathh.9xz   1793
bin92+ and V200/mathh.9xy   7181
readme.txt   11611
source/readme.txt   11611
source/series.c   21325
source/variations.c   25889
source/declarations.h   1303
source/findings.txt   969
source/lines.c   12915
source/logs.c   6401
source/mathh.c   10155
source/mathh.tpr   565
source/parab.c   7665
source/pas.c   1389
source/pushstring.c   504
source/pythag.c   3507

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