32-bit Small C v3.5 for ZShell
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Archive Contents
asm85s.bat | 665 |
lib/beep.c | 1642 |
lib/getc.c | 1993 |
lib/gets.c | 1037 |
lib/hvline.c | 1010 |
lib/itoa.c | 807 |
lib/line.c | 4623 |
lib/malloc.c | 2683 |
lib/menu.c | 3367 |
lib/newline.c | 647 |
lib/proto.c | 257 |
lib/rand.c | 2481 |
lib/sprite.c | 1881 |
lib/sprite_t.c | 1738 |
lib/sprite_x.c | 1728 |
lib/string.c | 533 |
lib/tabframe.c | 641 |
lib/tabline.c | 633 |
make85s.bat | 733 |
man_cwrapper.html | 1907 |
man_intro.html | 1860 |
man_syntax.html | 1338 |
man_variables.html | 2190 |
README.TXT | 1442 |
read_scc.txt | 3019 |
sample/char.c | 725 |
sample/MEMTEST.C | 780 |
sample/points.c | 2534 |
sample/Readme.txt | 80 |
sample/smile.c | 727 |
sample/Test.c | 1294 |
sample/TicTac.c | 3500 |
src/codez80.c | 13005 |
src/data.c | 854 |
src/data.h | 951 |
src/defs.h | 2219 |
src/error.c | 571 |
src/expr.c | 10936 |
src/function.c | 2868 |
src/gen.c | 1907 |
src/io.c | 2270 |
src/lex.c | 2201 |
src/main.c | 6004 |
src/Makefile | 3006 |
src/Makefile2 | 357 |
src/preproc.c | 5867 |
src/primary.c | 5500 |
src/stmt.c | 7274 |
src/sym.c | 4564 |
src/while.c | 1056 |
src/zcc.ide | 36468 |
STRING85.COM | 12698 |
TI-85.h | 7544 |
zcc.exe | 58912 |
ZSLIB.H | 5306 |
zs_crt.asm | 2380 |
ZS_CRT0.ASM | 3424 |