32-bit Small C v4.1 for Usgard 1.1
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Archive Contents
C.BAT | 762 |
CC.BAT | 101 |
man_cwrapper.html | 1907 |
man_intro.html | 1874 |
man_library.html | 914 |
man_syntax.html | 1564 |
man_variables.html | 2193 |
README.TXT | 1430 |
read_scc.txt | 3019 |
usgard.h | 11484 |
usgint.h | 849 |
usglib.h | 4384 |
usgvar.h | 1153 |
usg_crt.asm | 2152 |
usg_crt0.asm | 3460 |
zcc.exe | 58400 |
bin/read_bin.txt | 79 |
func/delay.c | 216 |
func/fline.c | 600 |
func/gcp.c | 369 |
func/gray.c | 419 |
func/inp_init.c | 214 |
func/inp_st.c | 428 |
func/nasrwarp.c | 498 |
func/pspg_clp.c | 456 |
func/pspr_clp.c | 387 |
func/pspr_msk.c | 387 |
func/pspr_nr.c | 382 |
func/pspr_w.c | 377 |
func/zcp.c | 279 |
lib/beep.c | 1642 |
lib/disp_dec.c | 1571 |
lib/getc.c | 1993 |
lib/gets.c | 1114 |
lib/hvline.c | 1119 |
lib/itoa.c | 807 |
lib/ix_help.h | 72 |
lib/line.c | 4631 |
lib/malloc.c | 2724 |
lib/menu.c | 3275 |
lib/newline.c | 647 |
lib/pixel.c | 1163 |
lib/proto.c | 257 |
lib/rand.c | 2291 |
lib/sprite.c | 1902 |
lib/sprite_t.c | 1761 |
lib/sprite_x.c | 1751 |
lib/string.c | 794 |
lib/tabframe.c | 635 |
lib/tabline.c | 629 |
obj/DELAY.OBJ | 12 |
obj/FLINE.OBJ | 164 |
obj/FUNCPACK.TXT | 9665 |
obj/GCP.OBJ | 136 |
obj/GRAY_OFF.OBJ | 13 |
obj/GRAY_ON.OBJ | 91 |
obj/inp_init.obj | 85 |
obj/inp_st.obj | 270 |
obj/NASRWARP.OBJ | 226 |
obj/PSPG_CLP.OBJ | 249 |
obj/PSPR_CLP.OBJ | 193 |
obj/PSPR_MSK.OBJ | 72 |
obj/PSPR_NR.OBJ | 69 |
obj/PSPR_W.OBJ | 67 |
obj/PTSPR_NR.OBJ | 71 |
obj/ZCP.OBJ | 68 |
prgm/GRAYTEST.85S | 4136 |
prgm/INPTEST.85S | 788 |
prgm/INTTEST.85S | 737 |
prgm/MEMTEST.85S | 1876 |
prgm/MENUTEST.85S | 734 |
prgm/POINTS.85S | 1937 |
prgm/POINTS2.85S | 1997 |
prgm/SMILE.85S | 993 |
prgm/STONES.85S | 5950 |
prgm/TICTAC.85S | 2909 |
sample/graytest.c | 889 |
sample/inptest.c | 221 |
sample/inttest.c | 657 |
sample/MEMTEST.C | 812 |
sample/menutest.c | 148 |
sample/pic1.asm | 4675 |
sample/pic2.asm | 6179 |
sample/pic3.asm | 3546 |
sample/points.c | 2626 |
sample/points2.c | 2670 |
sample/SMILE.C | 754 |
sample/stones.c | 10318 |
sample/test.c | 1326 |
sample/TicTac.c | 3530 |
src/codez80.c | 12886 |
src/data.c | 873 |
src/data.h | 976 |
src/defs.h | 2223 |
src/error.c | 571 |
src/expr.c | 10789 |
src/function.c | 2868 |
src/gen.c | 1907 |
src/io.c | 2270 |
src/lex.c | 2201 |
src/main.c | 6625 |
src/Makefile | 3006 |
src/Makefile2 | 357 |
src/preproc.c | 5981 |
src/primary.c | 5347 |
src/stmt.c | 7218 |
src/sym.c | 4564 |
src/while.c | 1056 |
src/zcc.ide | 36496 |