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32-bit Small C v4.1 for Usgard 1.1


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Ranked as 5393 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename smallc41.zip (Download)
Title 32-bit Small C v4.1 for Usgard 1.1
Author Jeremy Dewey (jxd45@po.cwru.edu)
Category DOS Assembly Utilities
File Size 140,142 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Sep 30 22:30:34 1997
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
C.BAT   762
CC.BAT   101
man_cwrapper.html   1907
man_intro.html   1874
man_library.html   914
man_syntax.html   1564
man_variables.html   2193
read_scc.txt   3019
usgard.h   11484
usgint.h   849
usglib.h   4384
usgvar.h   1153
usg_crt.asm   2152
usg_crt0.asm   3460
zcc.exe   58400
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func/delay.c   216
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func/gray.c   419
func/inp_init.c   214
func/inp_st.c   428
func/nasrwarp.c   498
func/pspg_clp.c   456
func/pspr_clp.c   387
func/pspr_msk.c   387
func/pspr_nr.c   382
func/pspr_w.c   377
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obj/DELAY.OBJ   12
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obj/FUNCPACK.TXT   9665
obj/GCP.OBJ   136
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obj/GRAY_ON.OBJ   91
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obj/inp_st.obj   270
obj/NASRWARP.OBJ   226
obj/PSPG_CLP.OBJ   249
obj/PSPR_CLP.OBJ   193
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prgm/POINTS2.85S   1997
prgm/SMILE.85S   993
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prgm/TICTAC.85S   2909
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sample/MEMTEST.C   812
sample/menutest.c   148
sample/pic1.asm   4675
sample/pic2.asm   6179
sample/pic3.asm   3546
sample/points.c   2626
sample/points2.c   2670
sample/SMILE.C   754
sample/stones.c   10318
sample/test.c   1326
sample/TicTac.c   3530
src/codez80.c   12886
src/data.c   873
src/data.h   976
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src/function.c   2868
src/gen.c   1907
src/io.c   2270
src/lex.c   2201
src/main.c   6625
src/Makefile   3006
src/Makefile2   357
src/preproc.c   5981
src/primary.c   5347
src/stmt.c   7218
src/sym.c   4564
src/while.c   1056
src/zcc.ide   36496

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