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Stock Exchange


Ranked as 21312 on our all-time top downloads list with 2772 downloads.
Ranked as 22720 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename stockexchange.zip (Download)
Title Stock Exchange
Description A beautiful game for the TI-80. You are in the stock market. You buy and sell shares for a living. This game has amazing features, like the option to see the graphic for the variation of each share in the market, the capacity to save the game in two different slots, and other things like sleep, eat, drink, get sick, buy & sell shares, etc.. It has lots of beautiful graphics and animations, three different shares to buy, and two memory slots to save & load your games. Takes 3630 bytes of your TI-80 memory (it's a big game) and it viciates you... It's the BEST game for the TI-80, even (much) better than Penalty Mobral.
Author Alain Meunier (alain@bol.com.br)
Category TI-80 BASIC Games
File Size 143,604 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 29 23:50:32 2001
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Stock Exchange05.gif   25694
Stock Exchange.80   7270
Stock Exchange01.gif   31754
Stock Exchange02.gif   27198
Stock Exchange03.gif   30259
Stock Exchange04.gif   25544
Stock Exchange - readme.txt   2709

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