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Queue v0.9


Ranked as 323 on our all-time top downloads list with 34199 downloads.
Ranked as 7555 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 54 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.69.

Filename queue.zip (Download)
Title Queue v0.9
Description Queue is a TI89 / TI92+ clone of both Tetris and Quadra. Tetris mode is the classic Tetris that we all love. Quadra is essentially Tetris with gravity. When a line of blocks is cleared, the pieces above fall as far as they can go. This leads to some awesome chain reactions. IMPROVED MULTIPLAYER! [NOSTUB program written in C, source included]
Author Kurt Hoffmann (kurt@hoffmann.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 73,928 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 24 16:49:39 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  dave k
Reviewed on 2022-01-04
Almost 20 years later and this is STILL my go-to for "Tetris" type games.

For me, there is no alternative to "Quadra" mode; How Teris Co. hasn't adopted recursive gravity as a standard available game mode after all these years is beyond my comprehension. The exhilaration of watching line clears over the normal four of Tetris cannot be overstated! It is so much more exciting and dynamic than Tetris gravity and affords gameplay where additional planning is rewarded by increasingly big scores, yet both immediate errors and long-term structural flaws can be overcome with creative dropping. And admittedly, some of the most enjoyable combos are in fact accidental!!

So here I am, almost 18 years after 0.9 was first released, still playing Queue on my trusty TI-89. I don't know if Mr. Hoffmann ever envisioned anyone would be playing his game persistently from their early 20s into their late 30s (and beyond I'm sure), but lucky for me his game has stood the test of time. Even the grayscale graphics have held up well, with minimal flicker under most conditions.

To be fair, since it never made it to 1.0, there are a few issues here and there. The most severe is a "FATAL: illegal-instruction" glitch that will eventually occur every time the user attempts to open the game (I've still have never pinned down the cause). This is fixed by a simple backup, wipe, and restore. Beyond that, nothing but the most minor of glitches, mostly (as mentioned) with mild grayscale flicker.

While I cannot confirm or dis-confirm that Queue's Quadra mode meets an exacting definition of "Quadra" per tournament standards, it is for me simply the best version of what is generally regarded as the "Tetris" format. Any Tetris fan still using a 68k-series calc for games who's never tried this one, it's simply a must!!

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Archive Contents
Name Size
faq.txt   2438
bin92p/queue.9xz   1749
bin92p/queue.9xy   15097
bin92p/keyconf.9xz   5181
src/delays.c   593
src/delays.h   249
src/drawstuff.c   10386
src/drawstuff.h   753
src/fileio.c   5074
src/fileio.h   1028
src/keys.c   5407
src/keys.h   906
src/network.c   2954
src/network.h   670
src/bitmaps.h   4300
src/queue.tpr   586
src/queue.h   1219
src/queue.c   61130
src/keyconf/keyconf.tpr   446
src/keyconf/keyconf.c   3289
src/keyconf/fileio.c   5153
src/keyconf/fileio.h   1040
src/keyconf/keys.h   841
src/keyconf/keys.c   3139
src/keyconf/drawstuff.c   3977
src/keyconf/drawstuff.h   766
bin89/queue.89y   14995
bin89/queue.89z   1749
bin89/keyconf.89z   4917
readme.txt   3366

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