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TI-Minesweeper v1.20


Ranked as 7284 on our all-time top downloads list with 5808 downloads.
Ranked as 27413 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename timiner.zip (Download)
Title TI-Minesweeper v1.20
Description TI-MineSweeper is a clone of the well-known MineSweeper game which is almost identical to the MS Windows version. The goal of the game is to open all tiles which are no mines. The number on an open tile indicates how much mines surrounding it - another TI-Chess Team Production [NOSTUB program/full C sourcecode included] - v1.20: V200/AMS 2.07/AMS 2.08 compatibility
Authors Marcos Lopez (marcos.lopez@wol.es)
Thomas Nussbaumer (thomas.nussbaumer@gmx.net)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 45,947 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 30 10:54:30 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
timiner/bin89/CVS/Repository   24
timiner/bin89/CVS/Root   19
timiner/bin89/timidata.89y   9203
timiner/bin89/timiner.89z   1793
timiner/bin92p/CVS/Repository   25
timiner/bin92p/CVS/Root   19
timiner/bin92p/timidata.9xy   9203
timiner/bin92p/timiner.9xz   1793
timiner/CVS/Entries   38
timiner/CVS/Repository   18
timiner/CVS/Root   19
timiner/readme.txt   4425
timiner/src/bmp/CVS/Entries   341
timiner/src/bmp/CVS/Repository   26
timiner/src/bmp/CVS/Root   19
timiner/src/bmp/numbers_a.bmp   434
timiner/src/bmp/numbers_b.bmp   434
timiner/src/bmp/pointer.bmp   218
timiner/src/bmp/smilies.bmp   1542
timiner/src/bmp/tiles.bmp   654
timiner/src/bmp/tiles_a.bmp   438
timiner/src/bmp/tiles_b.bmp   330
timiner/src/build.bat   332
timiner/src/counter.c   5329
timiner/src/cursor.c   4435
timiner/src/CVS/Entries   346
timiner/src/CVS/Repository   22
timiner/src/CVS/Root   19
timiner/src/logo.c   9127
timiner/src/score.c   6238
timiner/src/smiley.c   4234
timiner/src/tiles.c   5377
timiner/src/timiner.c   45908

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