Ice v0.91
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Ice v0.91
An ion compatible assembly shell for both the Ti-83 and the TI-83 Plus.
Solignac Julien (
TI-83 Assembly Shells
File Size
3,891 bytes
File Date and Time
Fri Dec 24 04:23:55 1999
Documentation Included?
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Review by
Ryan Aycock
Reviewed on
Suitability: 10/10 Greatly compatible with Ion. Ease-Of-Use: 10/10 Standard button use as other shells Overall: 9/10 BASIC detection would be nice.
For a beta release, the Ion Compatible Enhanced shell sure has a lot going for it. ICE, for short, was built with the intention that Ion programs could run on a shell that doesn't take up much memory. This slim, option-packed program weighs in at a measly 35 bytes fully installed. The author, who only goes by the alias x1cygnus, even claims that ICE uses as little battery power as the TI-OS itself.
Features include folders, program write back, and static libraries. A contrast changer also adds a nice touch to the shell. With all these great parts, it's a wonder that anyone would want to go back to Joe Wingbermuehle's original program. Among assembly gamers, ICE should be a hit. However, Ion's module use and BASIC detection are not present in ICE. Programmers will probably end up sticking with the original.
As far as folders, there are five pre-named directories: Main, Games, Math, Util, and Junk. It's a shame these cannot be changed. When was the last time you used an asm math program?
In the same way that SOS overtook AShell in popularity, I feel that ICE, with some slight modifications, could overtake Ion. If users still demand the small memory usage, there could be two versions of the shell - the present, stripped down version, and a slightly more beefed up kind with module support and BASIC detection. This is, however, just my opinion. |
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