[AMS v2.0x] DStar89 v1.1
Ranked as 3145 on our all-time top downloads list with 8812 downloads. Ranked as 13307 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Review by
Matt Peresie
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 You will want to beat the levels. Controls: 10/10 Excellent control. Implementation: 9/10 Good design, small filesize. Overall: 9/10 Be prepared for a challenge.
Enjoy puzzle games? If you answered, "yes" to this question then you will love Death Star. Death Star is one of the better puzzle games available for the TI-89 and it doesnt have a lot of unneeded features that give it an increased file size and make the program bloated. This version of Death Star also has added support for AMS software version 2.03, which is a nice added bonus.
So, what makes Death Star so good? Well there are a couple things that make Death Star a good game. The game concept is excellent. You can control a black diamond and a black square. You must move both these pieces around a playing surface to try to collect white diamonds. It sounds easy at first but eventually some of the levels get very tricky and it is hard to get all the diamonds. Another good option that Death Star has a save game option; if you beat the first 2 levels and then decide to stop, you will be right on level three the next time you start the game. This is a good option because you do not have to beat the levels over again. The last added bonus is the small file size. It weighs in at around 2289 bytes.
Death Star is an excellent puzzle game and will challenge even the smartest person. I suggest you try it if you have not already done so. |
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